Insolvency for business customers


How insolvency proceedings work

The standard insolvency proceedings also end after three years in debt freedom. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation! Standard insolvency proceedings are an option provided by the Insolvency Code to become debt-free within three years. During the insolvency proceedings, the debtor retains at least an allowance of €1,340.00 per month, which they can freely dispose of. This allowance is increased in the case of maintenance obligations such as spouses and/or children. If your income is above the exempt amount, the attachable portion is transferred and benefits the creditors.

Standard insolvency proceedings apply to legal entities (e.g. GmbH, UG etc.), self-employed persons and former self-employed persons. In the case of formerly self-employed persons, however, only if they have 20 or more creditors at the time the application to open insolvency proceedings is filed or if there are claims against them from employment relationships. Receivables from employment relationships are wage and salary claims from former employees as well as claims from the tax authorities, e.g. for wage tax, and from social security institutions. Before filing for insolvency, you should carefully check whether you want to continue your business or whether you want to discontinue your business or self-employment. If you decide to continue your business, the insolvency administrator will usually release your self-employed activity.

If you have fulfilled your obligations, you will receive residual debt discharge after three years. This means that from this moment on you are debt-free again and can lead a carefree life.

Important to know

Prerequisites for insolvency proceedings

Debt-free in 3 years

If you have gone through the standard insolvency proceedings, you will be debt-free after three years.

Quick action required!!!

In the case of legal entities and companies without legal personality, there is an obligation to file for insolvency within three weeks in the event of insolvency or over-indebtedness. If you do not submit this or do not do so in good time, you are liable to prosecution under § 15a InsO!

Garnishment allowance

The basic tax-free allowance available to everyone is currently €1,340.00. If you have children or are married, this will be increased. Find out more here.


At the end of the three-year insolvency period, your credit rating will be positive again six months later and you will be able to enter into all kinds of contracts again! Find out more here.

Obligations in insolvency

The most important obligation during insolvency is to go to work in order to repay your creditors as much of the money due to you as possible. Find out more here.

Release of the self-employed activity

This means that you can continue your business independently. What you have to pay to the insolvency administrator is not based on what you actually earn through your self-employment, but rather on your fictitious salary, i.e. the salary that a comparable employee would earn. The notional salary is primarily based on your professional training and experience. Your actual salary is therefore not decisive. The attachable portion that you have to pay is then calculated in the same way as for employees. This means that if you are very successful, you can keep significantly higher amounts for yourself. However, you also bear the risk of your financial success.

Further steps

1. Kontaktaufnahme

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und vereinbaren Sie zeitnah einen individuellen Beratungstermin!

3. Kontaktaufnahme mit den Gläubigern

Sollten Sie sich entscheiden, Ihren Weg aus den Schulden mit uns zu gehen, kontaktieren wir zunächst alle Gläubiger um von diesen den aktuellen Stand der Verbindlichkeiten zu erfahren. Weiterhin legen wir Ihre Vollmacht vor und sind ab diesem Zeitpunkt alleiniger Ansprechpartner in Ihren Schuldenangelegenheiten.

5. Unterschriftstermin Insolvenzantrag

Als letzten Schritt vereinbaren wir mit Ihnen vor Ort einen Termin zur Unterschrift des Insolvenzantrags. Dabei geht unser Anwalt mit Ihnen den gesamten Insolvenzantrag durch und erklärt Ihnen noch einmal alles detailliert im persönlichen Gespräch.

7. Restschuldbefreiung

Nach Ablauf der 3 Jahre werden Ihnen alle dann noch offenen Forderungen erlassen und Sie sind wieder schuldenfrei! Weitere Informationen

2. Kostenlose Erstberatung

In unserer kostenlosen Erstberatung lernen Sie uns und den für Sie zuständigen Schuldnerberater kennen, der Sie auf Ihrem Weg begleiten wird. Zu dem Gespräch bringen Sie bitte alle vorhandenen Unterlagen Ihrer Gläubiger mit, damit wir uns einen Überblick über Ihre finanzielle Situation verschaffen können. Im Anschluss zeigt Ihr Berater Ihnen den für Sie besten Weg aus den Schulden auf und erläutert Ihnen, welche Kosten auf Sie zukommen.

4. Aufstellung aller Verbindlichkeiten

Nachdem wir nun alle Gläubiger kontaktiert haben, erstellen wir eine Aufstellung Ihrer Verbindlichkeiten.

6. Eröffnung Insolvenzverfahren

Zwei bis vier Wochen nach Einreichung des Insolvenzantrags beim zuständigen Amtsgericht wird das Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet und die 3-Jahresfrist beginnt. Weitere Informationen

1. contact

Contact us today and arrange an individual consultation appointment as soon as possible!

2. free initial consultation

In our free initial consultation, you will get to know us and the debt advisor responsible for you, who will accompany you on your way. Please bring all available documents from your creditors with you to the meeting so that we can get an overview of your financial situation. Your advisor will then show you the best way for you to get out of debt and explain the costs you will incur.

3. contacting the creditors

If you decide to get out of debt with us, we will first contact all your creditors to find out the current status of your debts. We will also present your power of attorney and will be your sole contact for your debt matters from this point on.

4. list of all liabilities

Once we have contacted all your creditors, we will draw up a list of your debts.

5. date of signature of insolvency petition

As a final step, we will arrange an appointment with you on site to sign the insolvency petition. Our lawyer will go through the entire insolvency application with you and explain everything in detail in a personal meeting. Further information

6. opening of insolvency proceedings

Insolvency proceedings are opened two to four weeks after the insolvency application is filed with the competent local court and the 3-year period begins. Further information

7. discharge of residual debt

At the end of the 3 years, all outstanding debts will be waived and you will be debt-free again! Further information